Archive for the ‘Government’ category

WTF Mr. President?

February 4, 2009

I’ve supported you from the beginning of the campaign. Just WTF are you and your people doing nominating not one, not two, but three high level people without checking out their tax liabilities. Or did you check them out and think that we wouldn’t care? A bunch of fucking already rich people who cheat on their taxes and you didn’t check that all out before you selected them? This is CHANGE?

No. This is fucking Washington business as usual. You’re right. You fucked up. We’ve had enough of presidents fucking up. Get better and get better quick. Or you won’t last past 4 years. You made promises. Keep them. Or join the ranks of all the other big talk lying politicians that we’ve gotten used to.

Worthy of a post

January 21, 2009


At the very least. After decades of mediocrity, it seems that America has chosen the right and the best man for the job. I feel like, overnight, I became proud to be an American again. And I don’t think I’m alone. His words, his demeanor, his very presence just screams sound leadership.

As Bush slinked away like the wounded badger he is, Obama grabbed the reins of the huge, crazed but sickly bull that is America. Can he stay in the saddle and control this beast? Only time will tell. But hope abounds around the globe that he can and will.

They all say it, but this is truly the beginning of a new era. I believe Obama and his associates are up to the task. I hope the American people are, too.

That One

October 9, 2008

I agree with Libby over at the Impolitic. All McCain did when he made this comment was give Obama a new and good campaign slogan. McCain’s attempt at racist insults may backfire.

Obama is That One. That one who has the intelligence, the fortitude, and the vision to reverse the disasterous course set by the Bushies and McCains.

I’m shocked that the press is calling the debate a tie. Obama was professional, confident and articulate and McCain looked like an aging robot. And what’s with his arm? Every time he raised his knarled, pointy finger his arm was bent as if he couldn’t straighten it out. Jeebus, he’s a mess. I don’t want to be fatalistic, but If McCain gets elected I think Palin will be president longer than he will.

The Dullwitted Duo

September 24, 2008

I find it utterly incredible that any rank and file citizens of the US would even consider voting for McCain/Palin (the very best the Republicans have to offer). There is no disputing the fact that the current Republican president is a criminal. There is blatant evidence now that he and his Republican controlled Congress (for 6 years) have sent the US spiralling into economic chaos. His $700 billion dollar solution won’t solve the underlying problems at all but will tie the hands of his successor’s chance of any reasonably quick reform.

I don’t think that McCain flip flops with his stand on issues. I think that he can’t remember day by day what his stance is! His senility is obvious. I’m sure his handlers and advisers cringe every time he steps before a microphone.

He’s a deregulator who is pushing for the biggest increase in regulation in history. He is an ultra capitalist encouraging the complete socialization of the credit industy. And he’s the number one voice of the “small government” party who have created the most enormous government entity in US history as well.

Palin, as I’ve said before is just a dingbat. It’s no wonder the advisors won’t allow her to talk to the press. She couldn’t possibly handle even the simplest of questions.

That said, none of it matters. He is a former POW and she has a cute face and nice legs and they both say they believe in god. That’s gonna get them the votes to take over the most powerful government on the planet in its most critical time in history.

I’m so glad I don’t live there anymore. But I did receive my absentee ballot and I am going to vote for Obama. I’m going to do that in front of my foreign students as an example of political freedom in the worlds largest democracy. Isn’t that a joke.

America nears – The End

September 20, 2008

With sadness and relish, I await it.

I’m a bad blogger

September 11, 2008

God. I really am. I haven’t posted for days, even with all of the Sarah “Lucy Ricardo” spins going on and the ridiculous polls and Mr. Cheeky still spouting his horseshit and the American people just sucking it up like sushi.

This is my final exams week – plus I’m sick, and I just haven’t had the motivation or time to post. But so many others have. My blogroll is full of them. Tomorrow I give my oral exams, after which I will get back into it. And there is so much to get into. Right now I’m just staring at poll results that say that McBush is actually even with or ahead of Obama. Are the people in the US really that incredibly gullible and stupid?


Former Classmate and POW speaks out on McCain

September 7, 2008

H/t to Bob at 9 Pound Hammer for posting this. This guy certainly has the qualifications to say what he does.

US Vets refused the right to vote?

July 23, 2008

Almost. Secretary of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, James Peake, continues to refuse to allow non-partisan groups from helping vets register to vote. Like everything else being revealed about the real treatment our vets receive when they come home, this is a national disgrace.

Peake, if this order stands, you’re nothing but a pig just like your boss.

Wounded vets and amputees who have no mobility and thus cannot get out of the VA hospitals to register are shit out of luck. Because Peake will not allow even The League of Women Voters to assist them to register. His reason? It would interfere with the quality of their medical care! I guess Peake hasn’t been following the news which has told us repeatedly that there IS NO quality medical care in the VA facilities.

What is the real reason? These vets, like all the Iraq and Afghanistan vets are volunteers, every one. We must assume that they supported the war. Why not let them register to vote?  Um, it couldn’t be that the administration is worried that these tens of thousands of wounded vets might be having second thoughts about the war, could it? That maybe now that they have been there, seen it up close and personal, experienced the truth of the Iraqi horror, that they might vote for someone who promises to end it? That maybe they will vote for anyone who might spare their buddies from possibly becoming victims like them?

I don’t know the reason. I’m just a dumb old fart with a computer. But I do know that we should be bending over backwards to insure that our vets have access to every single American right and priviledge that they have volunteered to fight and die for. And, as I understand it, despite administrations attempts to manipulate it, voting is still an American right.

A Common Sense Republican

July 17, 2008

I know. It sounds like an oxymoron. But this is the most sensible commentary on the election and it’s probable impact that I have read from either side of the isle.

I’m a lifelong Republican – a supply-side conservative. I worked in the Reagan White House. I was the chief economist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for five years. In 1994, I helped write the Republican Contract with America. I served on Bob Dole’s presidential campaign team and was chief economist for Jack Kemp’s Empower America.

This November, I’m voting for Barack Obama.

Larry Hunter offers up a brief but down to earth, reasonable argument for his decision to switch sides for the good of the country. I like it and I think it’s well worth a read by repubs and dems alike. It’s about time that we crawled out of our political party boxes and started thinking about what is ultimately the best for the nation at this absolutely critical point in time.

These past eight years, we have spent over a trillion dollars on foreign soil – and lost countless lives – and done what I consider irreparable damage to our Constitution.

If economic damage from well-intentioned but misbegotten Obama economic schemes is the ransom we must pay him to clean up this foreign policy mess, then so be it. It’s not nearly as costly as enduring four more years of what we suffered the last eight years.

Here here. Read it. Pass it on.

A Last Throw of the Dice…?

July 13, 2008

I rarely read the US press anymore as I find that, when the biased reporting isn’t downright outrageous, it is often just plain silly. It’s also frequently behind the times. I read first about Tony Snow on the BBC Online. It was another hour before I saw the first article from a US source.

New Zealander, Bob Rigg, writing freelance for The Asia Times, sums up the US strategy in Iraq-Iran very nicely. In 13 paragraphs, his summary puts it in a perspective that even I might understand.

…architects of the Project for a New American Century, including luminaries such as John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz.

The neo-conservative scenario was clear: a devastating military strike would knock out Iraq’s powerful armed forces, and its population would welcome US liberators with open arms. The US would then immediately strike at Iran…Before the world could collect its wits, both Iraq and Iran would have been under direct US control. But the best laid plans of mice and men …

He explains how the Middle Eastern countries, instead of kowtowing to the US since the invasion of Iraq, are doing exactly the opposite. They are flexing their muscles and becoming bolder.

…its [US] pre-eminence has been eroded by misguided neo-conservative adventures in the Middle East, and by the emergence of a new international constellation of powerful and assertive states, including in the region. Their assertiveness has increased in proportion to the decline in the political and moral standing of the US, which is now less in control of the world and the Middle East than at any time since the turn of the new century.

This entire master plan for control of Middle Eastern oil reserves, which has been in play and passed down from one administration to the next since the Shah, finally settled in the incapable hands of one George W. Bush. He surrounded himself with those who were already involved in the plan, indeed I’m sure they are the same ones who worked behind the scenes to insure his election,  and he gave them free reign to finally complete it.

But now that the plan is falling apart, what with the Iraqi government demanding a timetable, the American public strongly against expansion, the economy going in the toilet while Bush continues to spend millions daily in Iraq, and the incompetence and impotence of the Bush White House, he is becoming desparate to make something happen before he leaves office. Or I should say, the powerful repubs who pull his strings, fearful that the Bush clone, McCain isn’t going to pull off the election, are scrambling to position the US so there will appear to be no alternative other than war with Iran.

I think we better be careful in these final days of Bushco just what we believe about Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria and everyone else in that region. The propoganda and fabrications are going to get heavy. I don’t think ANY major decisions should be allowed in these final few months before the next president. The chances of Bush actually improving the situation are nil. He hasn’t done one positive thing for the country yet. Don’t believe he is going to start now.